
What does English mean to you?

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Week 6 Overview
  • In the tutorial we spoke about text decoder/encoder, text participant - constructing meaning, text user and text analyst. 
  • Cueing systems - visual, graphophonic, semantic, syntactic
  • Teach children to be self monitoring - does it sound right? does it make sense? does it look right.
  • Having a Syntactic approach invloves reading aloud.
    eg. I went past the run-down house.
    I went past the run-down horse.
  • Text Participant - Performance Poetry
  • This week in our groups we read out poems and had to use expression, character,tone and actions.
  • Reading aloud activity - Juxtaposing.
  • We were then asked to write for 5 minutes and start of by I don't know what to write...this activity was important because if you do a small amount of writing each day it helps you to become aware of using punctuation and spelling.


  1. Well Done Chloe! I think you have covered everything from last week :) I can't think of anything else.

  2. Hi Chloe,
    Thanks for putting this together. I especially thought the activity of continuous writing and the discussion that followed it was important, as Christine made the point that writing well takes practice, just like any other skill, and not giving our students regular opportunities to write creatively is doing them a disservice.
