
What does English mean to you?

Monday, 6 August 2012

Wk 3 Group Discussion by Catherine

Week 3 Group Discussion by Catherine Smart

Workshop 6/8/2012

In today’s tutorial we discussed Gamble and Yates’ basic narrative structure. The way in which this is implemented into today’s classroom children follow the structure as a template which doesn’t encourage good/creative writing. I was mentioned how the books we had read this week for our reading plan followed the basic narrative structure with a setting, complication, climax, solution and resolution. We were also introduced to a ‘new language’ of English terminology and it is important to understand these terms and be able to explain them in your own way rather than reciting a dictionary meaning. We went on to discuss what is meant by 1st, 2nd, 3rd person. We were then given a number of questions to discuss our groups which made us think about narrative structure, basic plots, verb tenses and some English terminology more in depth. The main focus of this discussion was around the Gamble and Yates reading and looking at specific sections of this reading in relation to the class questions.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the wrap up Catherine.
    I recall we also discussed the Brooker's 7 basic plots in as an overview of our weekly reading. This covered: Overcoming the monster, Rags to riches, The quest, Voyage and return, Comedy, Tragedy, Rebirth. I found these quite useful as they offered an insight into some of the time honored story-lines that readers find appealing.
