
What does English mean to you?

Friday, 17 August 2012

Week 3 & 4 Reading + Workshop 4 Discussion!

Week 3 & 4 Reading
Over the past two weeks I have read three of Morris Gleitzman's stories for my Author Study! I read, Then, Toad Surprise and Tickled Onions. I haven't read any of Morris Gleitzman's work before and I have definitely been missing out. The issues he crosses in his stories are somewhat challenging, in Then he approaches the holocaust and living as a jewish child in nazi germany. I really enjoyed this book and wish I'd done somemore research first as I would have read the whole series instead of starting in the middle. Each of the books I read would be fine to use with Year 4's and upwards as some of the issues raised may be a bit sensitive for younger children.

Week 4 Workshop Discussion
This week we were asked to bring in 3 different genre's of text whether they be from a newspaper, magazine or book. Between our group we had a procedure and an information report/reccount. We analysed these articles in regards to the tone and what made them a information report/reccount (retelling an encounter with elephants - factual) and what made them a procedure (ingredients, method).
We then went on to discuss Activity Two of page 269. We said that the lack of spelling, punctuation and overall grammer of the paragraph took away from the meaning of the paragraph. A valid point was made that as a teacher do we pay attention to the text content or the form? As teachers it is important to store information on each students, for example if a student struggles with paragraphing or spelling take note of this. Rather than tell the student this is wrong, and this is right, praise them on their content and encourage them with spelling and paragraphing and then run a later lesson on paragraphing and spelling to address the technicalities.


  1. Thanks Lauren.
    The Lecture and the weekly readings also gave me a good insight into the differences between written genres, such as procedure, procedural recount, recount, information report and Argument. I also found the 4 view points through which to review the writing; text encoder, text participant, text user and text analyst demonstrated a detailed method of inquiry which I will attempt to use in the classroom.

  2. Well done Lauren, you have nearly covered everything we discussed in last weeks tutuorial, and Ben has kindly mentioned a couple of other things that were discussed. I like that conent and form create a debate, but I too think content is more important.
